Introducing “The Barn North” in Richmond, VT
Five years in the permitting process, core drilling our septic system under Interstate 89, significant improvements to flood storage and wetlands enhancements, and we finally opened December 4th, 2024! Originally built by ExxonMobil in 1972 with the opening of the interstate, it was a state of the art “filling/service station”. It evolved into a garage converted convenience store in the 80’s where it has been a local fixture since. The new design takes into consideration the latest in energy efficient appliances and solar panels on the fueling canopy and the building. The new gasoline and diesel dispensers are complemented by (2) DC Faster charges for the growing EV vehicle world. The store, “The Barn North”, now 4200 sq.ft has a full deli and hot food offering with seating and an expanded selection of micro brews, something Vermont has become known for as a destination. The interior design features local historic photos, graciously provided by the Richmond Historical Society.